Our services

aures iho- ja korvaeläinlääkärit: Lemmikkisi ihon, karvapeitteen, korvien, tassujen ja kynsien ongelmat ovat ydinosaamistamme

Problems with your pet’s skin, fur, ears, paws and claws is what we know best! We have a broad experience of dealing with these problems and their diagnostics:

  • allergy (atopic dermatitis and food allergy)
  • furunculosis
  • ear inflammations
  • hot spots
  • skin parasites
  • itching
  • yeast infections
  • abnormal loss of fur and other changes to the fur
  • skin lumps
  • changes to the nose 
  • dandruff, crusting, spots, blisters and colour changes to the skin
  • autoimmune diseases affecting the skin and immune mediated skin diseases
See below to read more about our services. 


A pet’s atopic dermatitis can be treated with immunotherapy, drugs and supportive treatments.

atopia siedätyshoito

Ear flush

When a pet has had prolonged ear problems, the ears may need to be examined using a video otoscope.

tähystys korvahuuhtelu

CBCT imaging

In prolonged ear problems CBCT imaging is an important part of the diagnostics.

Korvien kuvantaminen

Allergy examinations

The most common reason for skin and ear problems in dogs is allergy.

koiran allergiatutkimuksey